dec 25 artinya
- dec: dec; des; keserongan; desember
- dec 24: malam natal
- dec alpha: alpha axp
- dec hardware: perangkat keras dec
- coord|input|dec: coord|input|dec; koord|input|perpuluhan
- coord|prec dec: koord|perpuluhan tepat; coord|prec dec
- dec operating systems: sistem pengendalian dec
- 25 (number): 25 (nombor); 25 (angka)
- 25 bc: 25 sm
- 25 births: kelahiran 25
- 25 deaths: kematian 25
- acts 25: kisah para rasul 25
- ad 25: 25
- april 25: 25 april
- august 25: 25 ogos; 25 agustus
- — “Vacation from Dec 25 to Dec 31”
- “Liburan dari Desember 25 untuk 31” Des - The origin of humanistic wooden wine box Dec 25, 2018
Asal-usul humanistik kotak anggur kayu Dec 25, 2018 - 9. Christmas at Downton Abbey 70 9.1 Dec 25, 2011
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